Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Hood Hinge: Service and Repair



1. Open hood and support the side that requires hinge replacement.
2. Remove cowl grille.
3. Mark all bolt and hinge attachment locations using a grease pencil or equivalent, to provide reference marks for installation.

Fig. 1:

4. Remove the nuts attaching the hinge to the hood (Fig. 1).
5. Remove the bolts attaching the hinge to the inner fender.
6. Separate hinge from vehicle.


1. If necessary, paint new hinge before installation.
2. Position the hinge on the vehicle and align all marks.
3. Install the bolts attaching the hinge to the inner fender and tighten the bolts to 28.2 N.m (250 in.lbs.).
4. Install the nuts attaching the hinge to the hood and tighten the nuts to 22.6 N.m (200 in.lbs).
5. Install cowl grille.
6. Remove support and verify hood operation. The hood should be aligned to 5 mm (0.2 in.) gap to the front fenders.