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Distributor Bushing Replacement (In Block)


1. Remove distributor.
2. Remove the intake manifold.

3. Insert Distributor Drive Shaft Bushing Puller Tool C-3052 into old bushing and thread down until a tight fit is obtained.
4. Hold puller screw and tighten puller nut until bushing is removed.

1. Slide new bushing over burnishing end of Distributor Drive Shaft Bushing Driver/Burnisher Tool C-3053. Insert the tool and bushing into the bore.

2. Drive bushing and tool into position, using a hammer.

3. As the burnisher is pulled through the bushing, the bushing is expanded tight in the block and burnished to correct size. DO NOT ream this bushing.

CAUTION: This procedure MUST be followed when installing a new bushing or seizure to shaft may occur.

4. Install the intake manifold.
5. Install the distributor.