Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

60000 MI or 96000 KM

    Spare Tire
      Check spare tire for proper pressure and correct stowage.
    Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve
      Inspect PCV valve, replace as necessary.
    Drive Belt
      Inspect auto tension drive belt and replace, if required.
    Air Filter Element
      Inspect engine air cleaner filter, replace if necessary.
    Spark Plug
    Oil Filter, Engine
      Replace at 3,000 miles (5000 km) or 3 months, whichever comes first.
    Fluid Filter - A/T
    Fluid - Transfer Case
    Fluid - Differential
      Replace front and rear axle fluid.
    Fluid - A/T
      Drain and refill automatic transmission fluid.
    Engine Oil
      Replace at 3,000 miles (5000 km) or 3 months, whichever comes first.
      Flush and replace engine coolant at 60 month, or 102,000 miles (170,000 km), whichever comes first.