Power Liftgate Latch Homing
Following every cinch or release sequence, the power liftgate latch will return to a "home" or neutral position. If for some reason the latch is unable to return to the "home" position, the power liftgate control module will recognize this and prevent the latch from releasing. If this condition exists, activation of the power liftgate feature or exterior handle will result in a short beep from the power liftgate chime.
In this situation, perform the following:
1. Using the scan tool, perform the "Latch Home Position Test"
2. If the "Latch Home Position Test" is unsuccessful, disconnect the battery for 60 seconds. Reconnect the battery and grab the outside handle switch and hold it for at least 20 seconds
3. If the latch still will not release, use the scan tool and select "Actuates", "Latch Motor Release Direction". This will drive the motor longer than just using the outside handle switch
4. If driving the latch by the "Latch Motor Release Direction" worked, perform the "Latch Home Position Test" before returning the vehicle back to the owner. If driving the latch by the "Latch Motor Release Direction" did not work, use the following procedure to open the liftgate and continue diagnosis as necessary.