Shift Interlock: Testing and Inspection
1. Verify that the key can only be removed in the PARK position.
2. When the shift lever is in PARK And the shift handle push-button is in the "OUT" position, the ignition key cylinder should rotate freely from OFF to LOCK. When the shifter is in any other gear or neutral position, the ignition key cylinder should not rotate to the LOCK position.
3. Shifting out of PARK should not be possible when the ignition key cylinder is in the OFF position.
4. Shifting out of PARK should not be possible while applying normal push-button force and ignition key cylinder is in the RUN or START positions unless the foot brake pedal is depressed approximately 1/2 inch (12mm).
5. Shifting out of PARK should not be possible when the ignition key cylinder is in the ACCESSORY or LOCK positions.
6. Shifting between any gears, NEUTRAL or into PARK may be done without depressing foot brake pedal with ignition switch in RUN or START positions.