1. Check condition of seals on valve body and the solenoid and pressure switch assembly. Replace seals if cut or worn.
2. Place TRS selector plate in the PARK position.
3. Place the transmission in the PARK position.
4. Lubricate seal on the solenoid and pressure switch assembly connector with petroleum jelly.
5. Position valve body in transmission and align the manual lever on the valve body to the pin on the transmission manual shift lever.
6. Seat valve body in case and install one or two bolts to hold valve body in place.
7. Tighten valve body bolts alternately and evenly to 12 Nm (105 in. lbs.) torque.
8. Operate the external manual shift lever and ensure that the TRS selector plate moves correctly into all gear range positions.
CAUTION: The primary oil filter seal MUST be fully installed flush against the oil pump body. DO NOT install the seal onto the filter neck and attempt to install the filter and seal as an assembly. Damage to the transmission will result.
9. Install a new primary oil filter seal in the oil pump inlet bore. Seat the seal in the bore with the butt end of a hammer, or other suitable tool.
10. Place replacement filter (1) in position on valve body and into the oil pump.
11. Install screw to hold filter to valve body. Tighten screw to 4.5 Nm (40 in. lbs.) torque.
12. Connect the solenoid and pressure switch 23 pin electrical assembly connector.
13. Install oil pan using silicone gasket sealer. Tighten pan bolts to 12 Nm (105 in. lbs.) torque.
14. Lower vehicle and fill transmission with Mopar(R) ATF +4.
15. Check and adjust gearshift cable, if necessary.