Glossary of Terms
GLOSSARY OF TERMSABS antilock brake system
ACT actuator
APS adjustable pedals system
ATC automatic temperature control
BCM body control module
BPS bladder pressure sensor
BTS belt tension sensor
CAB controller antilock brake
CMTC compass/mini-trip computer
CPA connector positive assurance
DAB driver airbag
DCHA diesel cabin heater assist (cabin heater)
DLC data link connector
DTC diagnostic trouble code
DR driver
EBL electric back lite (rear window defogger)
ECM engine control module
EVIC electronic vehicle information center
FCM front control module
GCC Gulf Coast Countries
HE hall effect
HFM hands free module
HVAC heater ventilation, air conditioning
IPM integrated power module
KNB knee blocker airbag
LDU lower drive unit
LHD left hand drive
MIC mechanical instrument cluster
MTC manual temperature control
MSMAPM memory seat/mirror/adjustable pedals module
NAV navigation
NGC next generation controller
OBD on board diagnostics
OCM occupant classification module
OCS occupant classification system
OCSVR occupant classification system verification required
ODO odometer
ORC occupant restraint controller
PAB passenger airbag
PASS passenger
PCI Programmable Communication Interface (vehicle communication bus)
PCM powertrain control module
PDC power distribution center
PLG power liftgate
PLGM power liftgate module
PSD power sliding door
PSDM power sliding door module
PWM pulse width modulated
RHD Right Hand Drive
RKE remote keyless entry
RX receive
SAB seat airbag
SBS seat belt switch
SBT seat belt tensioner
SKREEM sentry key remote entry module
SQUIB also called initiator (located inside airbag)
SRS supplemental restraint system
TCM transmission control module
TPMS tire pressure monitor system
TX transmit
VFD vacuum fluorescent display
VTSS vehicle theft security system