NV246 Transfer Case
The fill (2) and drain (1) plugs are both in the rear case.
1. Raise vehicle.
2. Position drain pan under transfer case.
NOTE: It may be necessary to remove the exhaust y-pipe at the exhaust manifold to properly access the fill and drain plugs. Lowering the exhaust will allow the plugs to be accessed for torquing during installation.
3. Remove drain and fill plugs and drain lubricant completely.
4. Install drain plug. Tighten plug to 27 Nm (20 ft. lbs.).
5. Remove drain pan.
6. Fill transfer case to bottom edge of fill plug opening with the correct fluid for the application.
7. Install and tighten fill plug to 27 Nm (20 ft. lbs.).
8. Install the exhaust y-pipe to the exhaust manifold, if removed.
9. Wipe any excess fluid that may have spilled onto the exhaust.
10. Lower vehicle.