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Manual Transmission/Transaxle: Adjustments


CAUTION: This procedure must be performed any time a mainshaft, countershaft or input shaft bearing or shaft is replaced. Failure to follow these instructions will result in damaging the transmission.


1. Set mainshaft, input shaft and countershaft into the rear housing. Rotate the shafts to seat bearing in rear housing.
2. Remove mainshaft bearing cup, shims and oiler washer from the front housing.
3. Position Measurement Fixture 9592 (1) on front housing over the mainshaft bearing cup bore.
4. Loosen the knob (2) on the fixture and lower the shaft onto the mainshaft bearing cup (3) bore shoulder. Then tighten the knob to hold the shaft.
5. Remove the fixture from the front housing.

6. Place mainshaft shaft bearing cup on mainshaft bearing.
7. Position Fixture 9592 (1) on rear housing over the mainshaft bearing (2).
8. Loosen the knob (3) on the fixture (1). This will allow the rod plunger to drop down on the bearing cup.

9. Measure the gap (1) between the fixture shaft (2) and the fixture plunger (3). Repeat measurement on the opposite side of the mainshaft cup and bearing. The average of the two measurement, will be the size of the mainshaft select shim.
10. Install new oil supply washer and select shim in front housing mainshaft bearing cup bore and install bearing cup.


1. Remove countershaft bearing cup and shims from the rear housing.
2. Position Fixture 9592 (1) on rear housing over the countershaft bearing cup bore.
3. Loosen the knob (2) on the fixture and lower the shaft onto the countershaft bearing cup (3) bore shoulder. Then tighten the knob to hold the shaft.
4. Remove the fixture from the front housing.

5. Place countershaft bearing cup on countershaft bearing.
6. Position Fixture 9592 (1) on rear housing over the countershaft bearing (2).
7. Loosen the knob (3) on the fixture (1). This will allow the rod plunger to drop down on the bearing cup.

8. Measure the gap (1) between the fixture shaft (2) and the fixture plunger (3). Repeat measurement on the opposite side of the countershaft cup and bearing. The average of the two measurements, will be the size of the countershaft select shim.
9. Install select shim in front housing countershaft bearing cup bore and install bearing cup.