Oil Pump Assembly
1. Lubricate pump gears (9, 10) with transmission fluid and install them in pump body (3).
2. Install thrust washer (8) on reaction shaft (5) support hub. Lubricate washer with petroleum jelly or transmission fluid before installation.
3. If reaction shaft seal rings (6) are being replaced, install new seal rings on support hub. Lubricate seal rings with transmission fluid or petroleum jelly after installation. Squeeze each ring until ring ends are securely hooked together.
CAUTION: The reaction shaft support seal rings will break if overspread, or twisted. If new rings are being installed, spread them only enough for installation. Also be very sure the ring ends are securely hooked together after installation. Otherwise, the rings will either prevent pump installation, or break during installation.
4. Align and install reaction shaft support (5) on pump body (3).
5. Install bolts (7) attaching reaction shaft support to pump. Tighten bolts to 20 Nm (175 in. lbs.) torque.
6. Install new O-ring (11) on pump body. Lubricate oil seal and O-ring with petroleum jelly.
7. Install new pump seal (3) with Installer Tool C-3860-A (1). Use hammer or mallet to tap seal into place.