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Rear Bumper: Service and Repair

Remove/install rear bumper


1. Bumper
2. Bolt
3. Nut
4. Screw
5. Rear-end door step

1. Remove rear bumper
2. Unscrew screw (2) with nut
3. Unscrew screw (4) and remove rear-end door step
4. Install in the reverse order


1 Bumper
2 Reflector
3 Phillips screws
4 Collar bolt
5 Bumper bracket
6 Corner pillar mount
9 Cable strap
10 Electrical connector

Only with code MBZ: Rear-end door step

7 Plastic clip
8 Dowel pin

1 Unscrew reflector (2) and collar bolts (4)
Installation Replace micro-encapsulated collar bolt (4)

2 Unclip bumper brackets (5) below end panel
3.1 Remove plastic clips (7) With code MBZ, rear-end door step.
Press dowel pin (8) of plastic clip (7) inward.

4 Remove bumper
Installation: The corner parts of the bumper are inserted in the mounts (6) of the corner pillars (not screwed).

5 Pince through cable strap (9)
6 Separate electrical connector (10)
7 Install in the reverse order