1. Install the fog lamps (12, 13) and install the screws (11).
2. Install the Parktronic sensors (10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 4) and seat the retaining lugs fully.
3. Attach the Parktronic wiring harness (7) to the bumper and seat the central connector clip fully (14).
4. Install the air grille (1) and seat fully.
5. Install the lower grille covering (2) and seat the clips fully.
6. Install the step platform and hook to bumper at the rear.
7. Seat the front of the step platform fully.
8. Install the front bumper.
1. Install the front bumper (7) onto the vehicle.
2. Connect the Parktronic System electrical connector (9).
3. Connect the electrical connectors (8) to the front fog lamps on the left and right sides.
4. Install the outside temperature indicator temperature sensor (10) into the bumper (7).
5. Seat the front bumper (7) fully and install the bolts (4, 5).
6. Tighten bolts (4) to 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
7. Tighten bolts (5) to 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).
8. Install the grille and grille covering (1).
9. Install the license plate bracket.