Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Maintenance: Labor Times

Standard HoursManufacturer Warranty HoursSkill LevelNotes
Service or Charge
Normal Service
8,000 Miles0.80.0C
16,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
24,000 Miles1.00.0C
32,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four-wheel disc brakes.
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0C
40,000 Miles0.80.0C
48,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Rear Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0B
To Change Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change Front Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0BOn models equipped with All Wheel Drive (AWD) change the front axle fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-road, or frequent trailer towing.
56,000 Miles0.80.0C
64,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four wheel disc brakes.
To Change Transfer Case Fluid, Add0.50.0BChange the transfer case fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, or frequent trailer towing - All Wheel Drive (AWD).
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0C
72,000 Miles1.00.0C
80,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Flush and Replace Engine Coolant, Add0.70.0C
88,000 Miles0.80.0C
96,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Engine Air Cleaner Filter, Add0.30.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change the Rear Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0B
To Change the Front Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0BOn models equipped with All Wheel Drive (AWD) change the front axle fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-road, or frequent trailer towing.
To Change PCV Valve, Add0.50.0B
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four wheel disc brakes.
To Change Spark Plugs, Add1.40.0B
104,000 Miles0.80.0C
To Flush and Replace Engine Coolant, Add0.70.0CIf not done at 60 months.
112,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
120,000 Miles1.00.0C
To Change Drive Belt, Add0.40.0C
To Change Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter, Add1.30.0B
128,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four wheel disc brakes.
To Change Transfer Case Fluid, Add0.50.0BChange the transfer case fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, or frequent trailer towing - All Wheel Drive (AWD).
136,000 Miles0.80.0C
144,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change the Rear Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0B
To Change the Front Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0BOn models equipped with All Wheel Drive (AWD) change the front axle fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-road, or frequent trailer towing.
Severe Service
8,000 Miles0.80.0C
16,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0CIf using your vehicle for any of the following: dusty or off-road conditions, Inspect the engine air cleaner filter; replace if necessary.
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
24,000 Miles1.00.0C
32,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four-wheel disc brakes.
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0C
40,000 Miles0.80.0C
48,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change the Rear Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0B
To Change the Front Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0BOn models equipped with All Wheel Drive (AWD) change the front axle fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-road, or frequent trailer towing.
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0BIf using your vehicle for any of the following: dusty or off-road conditions, Inspect the engine air cleaner filter; replace if necessary.
56,000 Miles0.80.0C
64,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0C
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four wheel disc brakes.
To Change Transfer Case Fluid, Add0.50.0BChange the transfer case fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, or frequent trailer towing - All Wheel Drive (AWD).
72,000 Miles1.00.0C
80,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Flush and Replace Engine Coolant, Add0.70.0C
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0CIf using your vehicle for any of the following: dusty or off-road conditions, Inspect the engine air cleaner filter; replace if necessary.
88,000 Miles0.80.0C
96,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Engine Air Cleaner Filter, Add0.30.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change the Rear Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0B
To Change the Front Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0BOn models equipped with All Wheel Drive (AWD) change the front axle fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-road, or frequent trailer towing.
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four wheel disc brakes.
To Change PCV Valve, Add0.50.0C
To Change Spark Plugs, Add1.40.0B
104,000 Miles0.80.0C
To Flush and Replace Engine Coolant, Add0.70.0CIf not done at 60 months.
112,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0CIf using your vehicle for any of the following: dusty or off-road conditions, Inspect the engine air cleaner filter; replace if necessary.
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
120,000 Miles1.00.0C
To Change Drive Belt, Add0.40.0C
To Change Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter, Add1.30.0B
128,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Adjust Parking Brake, Add1.00.0BOn vehicles equipped with four wheel disc brakes.
To Change Transfer Case Fluid, Add0.50.0BChange the transfer case fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, or frequent trailer towing - All Wheel Drive (AWD).
136,000 Miles0.80.0C
144,000 Miles1.10.0C
To Change the Air Conditioning Filter, Add0.40.0C
To Change the Rear Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0B
To Change the Front Axle Fluid, Add0.50.0BOn models equipped with All Wheel Drive (AWD) change the front axle fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-road, or frequent trailer towing.
To Change Engine Air Filter, Add0.30.0CIf using your vehicle for any of the following: dusty or off-road conditions, Inspect the engine air cleaner filter; replace if necessary.