WARNING: Refer to the applicable warnings and cautions for this system before performing the following operation Warning and Caution . Failure to follow these instructions may result in possible serious or fatal injury.
NOTE: LHD model with 5.7L engine shown in illustrations. Other models similar.
1. Disconnect and isolate the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the air cleaner housing, air intake tube and resonator, as equipped.
3. Remove the engine trim cover, if equipped.
4. Recover the refrigerant from the refrigerant system Refrigerant System Recovery.
5. Remove the evaporative emissions purge solenoid valve from the A/C liquid and suction line bracket located on the left front strut tower and position it out of the way Evap Purge Solenoid - Removal.
6. Remove the nut (2) that secures the front section of the A/C suction line (3) to the rear section of the A/C suction line (1).
7. Disconnect the A/C suction lines from each other and remove and discard the seal.
8. Remove the nut (2) that secures the front section of the A/C liquid line (3) to the rear section of the A/C liquid line (1).
9. Disconnect the A/C liquid lines from each other and remove and discard the seal.
10. Remove the windshield wiper arms and wiper module Wiper Arm Linkage - Removal.
11. Remove the cowl extension silencer.
12. Remove the nut (2) that secures the A/C liquid and suction line assembly (1) to the stud (3) located on the left front strut tower.
13. Remove the bolt (4) that secures the A/C liquid and suction line assembly to the cowl panel bracket.
14. Remove the nut (6) that secures the A/C liquid and suction line assembly to the A/C expansion valve (5).
15. Disengage the A/C liquid and suction line assembly from the stud located on the strut tower.
16. Disconnect the A/C liquid and suction line assembly from the A/C expansion valve.
17. Remove the A/C liquid and suction line assembly from the engine compartment and remove and discard the seals.
18. Remove the two bolts (1) that secure the A/C expansion valve (2) to the evaporator tube tapping block.
19. Remove the A/C expansion valve from the evaporator tubes and remove and discard the seals.
20. Install plugs in, or tape over the opened refrigerant line fittings and evaporator ports.