Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


3.6L/5.7L ENGINE

1. Raise the vehicle.
2. Saturate the bolts and nuts (2) with heat valve lubricant. Allow 5 minutes for penetration.
3. If equipped, remove skid plate Skid Plate - Removal.
4. Remove the front exhaust pipe/catalytic converter to muffler/tailpipe (1) assembly flange (2) nuts.
5. Remove ground straps (3).

NOTE: Muffler removal is a two-man operation. Never allow the muffler to hang from the isolators. A helper is required so no damage will come to the isolators or to the tailpipe/muffler assembly.

6. Remove tailpipe/muffler assembly (3) from Isolators (2).
7. Remove the muffler/tailpipe assembly from vehicle.