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Piston And Connecting Rod - Installation


1. Install piston rings on piston Piston Ring(s) - Installation.
2. Before installing pistons and connecting rod assemblies into the bore, be sure that top compression ring gap (1) and the second compression ring gap (3) are staggered so that neither is in line with oil ring rail gap.
3. Before installing the ring compressor, make sure the oil ring expander ends are butted (1) and the rail gaps (2,4) located as shown above. As viewed from the top of the piston.
4. Immerse the piston head and rings in clean engine oil, slide the ring compressor, over the piston. Be sure position of rings does not change during this operation.

5. The directional arrow stamped on the piston should face toward the front of the engine.
6. Rotate crankshaft so that the connecting rod journal is on the center of the cylinder bore. Lubricate connecting rod journal with clean engine oil.

NOTE: There are three different size rod bearings, perform rod bearing selection procedure.

NOTE: The rod bearing sizes are indicated on the nose of the crankshaft.

7. Install connecting rod upper bearing half into connecting rod.
8. Install ring compressor (3).
9. Tap the piston (1) down in cylinder bore, using a hammer handle (2). At the same time, guide connecting rod into position on connecting rod journal.

NOTE: The connecting rod cap bolts should NOT be reused.

10. Before installing the NEW bolts, the threads should be coated with clean engine oil.
11. Install connecting rod lower bearing half into connecting rod cap. Install connecting rod cap.
12. Install each bolt finger tight then alternately torque each bolt to assemble the cap properly.
13. Tighten the connecting rod bolts using the 2 step torque-turn method. Tighten according to the following values:CAUTION: Do not use a torque wrench for the second step.

1. Tighten the bolts to 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).
2. Tighten the connecting rod bolts an additional 90°.

14. Using a feeler gauge, check connecting rod side clearance. Engine Specifications for connecting rod side clearance.

15. Install the ladder frameLadder Frame - Installation.
16. Install oil pump/Balance Shaft Carrier AssemblyEngine Oil Pump - Installation.
17. Install oil pan Engine Oil Pan - Installation.
18. Install cylinder head Cylinder Head - Installation.

19. Install engine on dolly.
20. Connect transaxle assembly to engine.
21. Install engineEngine - Installation.