Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



NOTE: Refacing the rotor is not required each time the brake pads are replaced, only when the need is foreseen.

Any servicing of the rotor requires extreme care to maintain the rotor within service tolerances to ensure proper brake action.

If the rotor surface is deeply scored or warped, or there is a complaint of brake roughness or brake pedal pulsation, the rotor should be refaced using a hub-mounted on-car brake lathe (1), or replaced.

The use of a hub-mounted on-car brake lathe (1) is highly recommended to eliminate the possibility of excessive runout. It trues the brake rotor to the vehicle's hub and bearing.

Minimum allowable thickness is the minimum thickness to which the brake rotor machined surface may be cut.

CAUTION: Do not machine the rotor if it will cause the rotor to fall below minimum thickness.

NOTE: Most brake rotors (2) have markings for minimum allowable thickness specification cast into an unmachined surface of the rotor or stamped into the hat section (1). Some brake rotors have the minimum thickness specification located elsewhere. Refer to the following paragraph. Minimum thickness specifications can also be found in this component's specification table [1][2]Brake Rotor/Disc .

NOTE: The minimum thickness specification is stamped into the outer diameter edge (1) (along vented end) of the disc.

Before lathe installation, verify the brake rotor face and the hub adapters are free of any chips, rust, or contamination.

When mounting and using the brake lathe, strict attention to the brake lathe manufacturer's operating instructions is required.

Machine both sides of the brake rotor at the same time. Cutting both sides at the same time minimizes the possibility of a tapered or uneven cut.

When refacing a rotor, the required TIR (Total Indicator Reading) and thickness variation limits MUST BE MAINTAINED. Extreme care in the operation of rotor turning equipment is required. Specifications for brake rotor machining can be founds specification table. [1][2]Brake Rotor/Disc