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Fixed Displacement A/C Compressor


NOTE: Denso 10SRE18 A/C compressor shown. Other compressors similar.

2.4L models with front and rear A/C are equipped with the Denso 10SR17 A/C compressor.

3.6L models with front A/C only are equipped with the Denso 10SRE18 A/C compressor.

3.6L models with front and rear A/C are equipped with the Denso 10SRE20 A/C compressor.

All of the above A/C compressors (1) are clutch operated, with individual suction and discharge ports (2) and integral high pressure relief valve (3).

A label identifying the use of R-134a refrigerant and ND-8 PAG oil is located on each A/C compressor.