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Overdrive Lockout Switch - Operation


At key-on, normal operation is provided. Pressing the switch enables Tow/Haul mode and the Tow/Haul lamp will be illuminated. In Tow/Haul mode, 4-5 upshifts are delayed. Shifts into 5th and 6th gear are still allowed under steady cruise conditions. Closed throttle downshifts (for improved engine braking) may occur during steady braking maneuvers. Pressing the switch a second time restores normal operation. Normal operation is always the default at start-up; the switch must be pressed after each key start if Tow/Haul mode is desired.

The Electronic Range Select (ERS) allows the selection of the desired top gear, when the shifter is in the D (Drive) position. For example, if ERS 3rd is selected, the transmission will never shift above 3rd gear, but can down shift into 2nd or 1st when needed.