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Differential Carrier - Removal


Special Tools:

1. With vehicle in neutral, position vehicle on hoist.
2. Remove differential cover (1) fill plug (2).

3. Remove differential cover (1) bolts (2).
4. Remove cover and drain lubricant.
5. Remove axle shafts.

6. Loosen differential (1) bearing cap bolts (2).

7. Install Adapters (1) onto the housing (2).
8. Loosen bearing cap bolts.

9. Install Spreader (1) onto the adapters and tighten the turnbuckle finger-tight.
10. Mount attach Dial Indicator (2) to housing and load indicator plunger against the opposite side of the housing. Zero the indicator.
11. Spread the housing, while measuring the distance with the dial indicator (2). CAUTION: Never spread housing over 0.38 mm (0.015 in.). Failure to follow these instruction will damage the housing.

12. Remove dial indicator.
13. Remove bearing caps, differential with bearing cups and preload shims.
14. Remove the spreader.