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Front Crankshaft Oil Seal - Installation


Special Tools:

CAUTION: The front crankshaft seal must be installed dry. Do not apply lubricant to the sealing lip or the outer edge.

1. Using Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Installer (2) and Damper Installer (1), install crankshaft front seal.

CAUTION: To prevent severe damage to the crankshaft or damper, thoroughly clean the damper bore and the crankshaft nose before installing damper.

2. Install vibration damper Vibration Damper - Installation
3. Install radiator cooling fan and shroud Electric Radiator Fan - Installation
4. Install upper radiator hose.
5. Install accessory drive belt refer Serpentine Accessory Drive Belt - Installation
6. Refill cooling system Service and Repair
7. Connect negative cable to battery.