Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Brake Hose/Line: Testing and Inspection

NOTE: Flexible rubber hose is used at both front brakes and at a rear axle junction block.

Inspection of brake hoses should be performed whenever the brake system is serviced and every 7,500 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first (every engine oil change).

Inspect flexible hydraulic brake hoses for:
- Severe surface cracking
- Scuffing
- Worn spots

If the fabric casing of the rubber hose is exposed due to cracks or abrasions in the rubber hose cover, the hose should be replaced immediately!

Eventual deterioration of the hose can take place with possible burst failure.

CAUTION: Faulty installation can cause twisting, and wheel, tire or chassis interference.

Inspect steel brake tubing for:
- Evidence of physical damage that may restrict fluid flow.
- Heavily corroded tubing may eventually develop a leak.
In either case, the tubing should be replaced.