Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Maintenance: Application and ID

NOTE: Refer to vehicle warranty for specific coverage. Statements below may differ from manufacturer's coverage and state regulations. For more information concerning manufacturer's warranty information contact your state vehicle regulating agency or a licensed repair facility.
1. Most emission devices are covered under warranty for the first 50,000 mi. or 5 years.
2. The manufacturer is liable for damages to other vehicle parts caused by the failure of a warranted part, also the diagnostic labor by the dealer that determines a warranted part is defective shall be at no charge.
3. Some parts have a scheduled replacement interval which is less than the warranty period. These parts are under warranty until the first scheduled replacement, as contained in the warranty and/or owners manual, (e.g. O2 sensor or spark plugs at 30,000 miles, etc...)
4. The owner of the vehicle is responsible for scheduled maintenance as outlined in the vehicle owners manual.
5. Failure of the owner to perform maintenance or to keep records shall not be grounds for disallowing the warranty; unless the lack of maintenance caused the failure.
6. Warranty repairs are excluded from coverage if the manufacture demonstrates that the failure was directly caused by abuse, neglect, tampering or improper maintenance.
7. Engine adjustments
a. 1980 cars and 1981 trucks and newer, the air/fuel mixture adjustment is covered unless the factory-installed limiting device is removed or altered.
b. As long as the factory-installed limiting device has not been removed or altered, adjustments to the air/fuel ratio, idle speed and ignition timing are still covered.
c. Adjustments other than the above are not covered.