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Front/Rear Clutch Installation

1. Install output shaft thrust plate on shaft hub. Use petroleum jelly to hold thrust plate in place.

2. Check input shaft seal rings. Verify that diagonal-cut ends of tenon seal ring are properly joined and ends of metal ring are correctly hooked together. Also be sure rings are installed in sequence shown.
3. Check rear clutch thrust washer. Use additional petroleum jelly to hold washer in place if necessary.

4. Align clutch discs in front clutch and install front clutch on rear clutch. Rotate front clutch retainer back and forth until completely seated on rear clutch.

5. Coat output shaft thrust washer with petroleum jelly. Then install washer in rear clutch hub. Use enough petroleum jelly to hold washer in place. Be sure grooved side of washer faces rearward (toward output shaft) as shown. Also note that washer only fits one way in clutch hub.

6. Align drive teeth on rear clutch discs with small screwdriver. This will make installation on front planetary easier.
7. Raise front end of transmission upward as far as possible and support case with wood blocks. Front/rear clutch and oil pump assemblies are easier to install if transmission is as close to upright position as possible.

8. Install front and rear clutch units as assembly. Align rear clutch with front annulus gear and install assembly in driving shell. Be sure output shaft thrust washer and thrust plate are not displaced during installation.
9. Carefully work assembled clutches back and forth to engage and seat rear clutch discs on front annulus gear. Verify that front clutch drive lugs are fully engaged in slots of driving shell after installation.