Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts and Labor


Each involved dealer, to whom vehicles in the recall were invoiced (or the current dealer at the same street address), will receive, and be billed for, enough Emission Service Packages, Recall PN C3905880, to service 25% of these vehicles. Additional parts may be ordered by all dealers, as needed, to support customer demand.

Each parts package contains the following components:

Quantity Description

1 EGR Backpressure Transducer
1 Recall Completion Label
1 Instruction Sheet

Use one of the following labor operation numbers and time allowances:


Replace EGR backpressure transducer 25588182 0.4 Hours
and reset ignition timing. (AD Body)

Replace EGR backpressure transducer 25588183 0.4 Hours
and reset ignition timing (AB Body)

See Warranty Policy and Procedure Manual, Chapter 6, Subsection H for complete recall claim processing instructions.

Parts Return - Not Required