Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Surge, Hesitation, Stall on Acceleration

Engine hesitates or stumbles on acceleration, sometimes stalling. This condition can occur at any speed, but primarily from a stop. Vehicle may also experience a surge or rise and fall of engine speed at cruise or steady throttle.


EGR malfunction 1. Check EGR system in "Testing
flange gasket leaking, Procedures" in Emissions, if OK, step 2
excessive backpressure, 2. Check EGR electronic controls in
loose valve "Fuel Injection & Computerized Engine Controls"

Spark timing Check Spark Controls (SCC) in
"Fuel Injection and Computerized Engine Controls"

Air management valves Check Air Injection system in
"Testing Procedures" in Emissions

Hot air tube not connected Check inlet air temperature system (HIAS)
to air cleaner, vacuum motor in "Testing Procedures" in Emissions
inoperative, air damper
door binding or not opening

Faulty canister purge 1. Check Evaporative system in
liquid fuel in carbon canister "Testing Procedures" in Emissions, if OK, step 2
2. Check Evaporative System electronic controls in
"Fuel Injection & Computerized Engine Controls"

Ignition timing Check Ignition Timing in "Adjustment
Procedures" in Emissions

Restricted exhaust system Check Catalytic Converter system in
"Testing Procedure" in Emissions

Poor or contaminated fuel Recommend higher grade fuel