Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Wheel Speed Sensor: Testing and Inspection

1. Check for opens in the speed sensor.
a. Disconnect sensor from wiring harness at connector.
b. Connect an ohmmeter to the leads of the sensor and check for continuity. This test should be repeated while moving the wiring lead of the sensor in order to find any opens.
2. Verify the internal resistance of the speed sensor is within the specified range.

1. Set a voltmeter to the AC VOLTS position, and connect to speed sensor connector.
2. With the voltmeter connected, rotate the wheel at about one revolution per second and check the meter.
- A small A/C voltage (greater than 650 mv) should be generated as the toothed sensor ring is passed by the stationary sensor.
- If not, check wheel bearing play and adjust if necessary, and retest.
- If there is no output, replace wheel speed sensor.