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How to Use the DRB II Volt/Ohmmeter

The Volt/Ohmmeter function can only be turned on after the Select Test Mode.

NOTE: The Volt/Ohmmeter function will not operate in the Read Fault Data or the Erase Fault Data section.

Making Voltage Measurements

1. Connect the red Volt/Ohmmeter test lead to the DRB II.
2. Press the Volt/Ohm key on the keypad once.

NOTE: The DRB II will remember what Test Mode you are in while in the Volt/Ohmmeter function and will return to that mode when you are done using the Volt/Ohm function.

3. Touch the test probe to the connector or wire to be measured and read the results on the DRB II display.
4. After all measurements have been made, press the Volt/Ohm key twice to return to the Test Mode you were in before you entered the Volt/Ohmmeter function.

Making Ohmmeter Measurements

1. Connect the red Volt/Ohmmeter test lead to the DRB II.
2. Press the Volt/Ohm key on the keypad twice.

NOTE: Because of the way the DRB II Ohmmeter is configured (one lead), you will only be able to test wires or components to ground.

3. Touch the red test probe to the wire or component you wish to test and read the resistance to ground on the DRB II display.
4. After all measurements have been made, press the Volt/Ohm key once to return to the Test Mode you were in before you entered the Volt/Ohmmeter function.