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Distributor: Service and Repair


Distributor 4-Way Electrical Connector:

Distributor Cap:

1. Disconnect distributor lead wire at wiring harness connector.
2. Remove distributor cap retaining screws and remove distributor cap.
3. Rotate the engine crankshaft until the distributor rotor is pointing toward the intake plenum. Scribe a mark on the plenum at this point to indicate the position of the rotor for reference when reinstalling the distributor.
4. Remove the distributor hold down nut and remove the distributor from the engine.



Lead Wire Clamp:

Disk Assembly Screw:

1. Remove protective cover from the distributor housing. Remove lead wire clamp screw and remove lead wire.
2. Remove disc assembly screw. Remove disk spacers and disk. Check disk for warpage cracks or damaged slots.

Photo Optic Sensing Unit Assembly And Bushing:

Bearing Retainer Screws:

Marks On Drive Gear And Shaft:

3. Remove bushing and 3 photo optic sensing unit fasteners. Remove unit from distributor housing.
4. Remove 2 bearing retainer screws.
5. Make reassembly alignment marks on gear and shaft, then with a pin punch drive out the distributor drive gear roll pin.
6. Remove distributor drive gear, remove distributor shaft and bearing assembly.


1. Install shaft and bearing assembly in distributor housing.
2. Install distributor drive gear on shaft, taking care to ensure proper alignment with reference marks made during disassembly, and install roll pin.
3. Install distributor shaft bearing retaining screws.
4. Install the photo optic sensing unit and bushing and tighten with 3 screws.
5. Install disk spacers and disk. Install disk assembly screw.
6. Install lead wire, and lead wire clamp screw.
7. Install protective cover on distributor housing.


1. If engine has not been cranked with distributor removed proceed to step 2 for installation. If engine has been cranked with distributor removed proceed to step 3 for installation.
2. Position the distributor in the engine, making sure O-ring is properly seated on distributor, and is not cut or worn. Carefully engage the distributor drive with the cam shaft drive, so that when the distributor is installed, the rotor will be in line with the previously scribed line on the air intake plenum. Proceed to step 4.
3. If the engine has been cranked with the distributor removed perform the following procedure:
a. Rotate the crankshaft until the number one piston is at the top of its compression stroke.

Distributor Cap Terminal Routing:

b. Rotate the distributor shaft until the rotor points to number one terminal.
c. Lower the distributor into the opening, engaging the distributor drive with the drive on the cam shaft. With the distributor fully seated the rotor should be under the number one terminal.
4. Install the distributor cap, making sure all plug wires are seated securely in the cap towers. Install hold down nut finger tight.
5. Connect distributor lead wire and negative battery cable lead. Set ignition timing, refer to ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES for timing adjustment.