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Brake Proportioning/Combination Valve: Application and ID

Fig. 23 Type 1, Combination Valve:

Fig 2 Brake Warning Switch / Hold Off Valve (Cut Away View):

All models are equipped with a single hydraulic system control valve mounted on the frame rail below the master cylinder.

There are two types of control valves available on most models:
- On some models a brake warning switch is combined with a hold-off and proportioning valve assembly.
Hold-off cut in pressure 117 PSI
Split Point (PSI)/Slope 300/0.27
ID tag color White

- On other models a brake warning switch and hold-off valve assembly are combined -- without a proportioning valve.
ID tag color Black
Hold-off cut in pressure 117 PSI

During any service procedures identify valve assemblies by part number as well as hold off/cut in (PSI) and split point (PSI).