Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


CAUTION: Do not clamp any part of the valve body assembly in a vise. This practice will distort the valve body and transfer plate resulting in valve bind. Slide valves and plugs out carefully. Do not use force at any time. The valves and valve body will be damaged if force is used. Also tag or mark the valve body springs for reference as they are removed. Do not allow them to become intermixed.

1. Remove screws attaching adjusting screw bracket to valve body and transfer plate. Hold bracket firmly against spring force while removing last screw.

2. Remove adjusting screw bracket, line pressure adjusting screw, pressure regulator spring and switch valve spring. Do not remove throttle pressure adjusting screw from bracket and do not disturb adjusting screw settings during removal.

3. Secure detent ball and spring in housing with retainer tool 6583, or equivalent.

4. Remove manual shaft E-clip and washer.
5. Pull manual shaft and park rod assembly upward out of valve body and off throttle lever.
6. Remove Retainer Tool 6583, or equivalent. Then remove and retain detent ball and spring.
7. Remove throttle lever.

8. Remove park rod E-clip and separate rod from manual lever.

9. Remove screws attaching converter clutch module to valve body and remove module and connecting tube.

10. Turn valve body over so transfer plate is facing upward. With valve body in this position, valve body check balls will remain in place and not fall out when transfer plate is removed.
11. Remove screws attaching transfer plate to valve body.

12. Remove transfer plate and separator plate from valve body. Note position of filter and clutch solenoid for reference. Remove valve body check balls. Note that check balls may be steel or plastic.
13. Position transfer plate on bench so separator plate, filter and lockup solenoid are facing up. This will avoid having rear clutch and rear servo check balls fall out when plates are separated.
14. Remove screws attaching separator plate to transfer plate.

15. Remove converter clutch solenoid from separator plate.

16. Note position of filter, solenoid and rear clutch/rear servo check balls for assembly reference. Clutch and servo check balls may be steel or plastic.

17. Remove shuttle valve end plate.
18. Remove shuttle valve E-clip and remove secondary spring and spring guides from end of valve.

Control Valves And Governor Plugs:

19. Remove governor valve end plate.
20. Remove switch valve and pressure regulator valve from valve body.
21. Remove throttle valve and spring, kickdown valve and detent and manual valve from valve body.
22. Remove 1-2 and 2-3 shift valve governor plugs from valve body.
23. Remove shuttle valve throttle plug, primary spring and shuttle valve from valve body.

Shift Valves And Pressure Regulator Plugs:

24. Remove 1-2 shift control valve and spring from valve body.
25. Remove 2-3 shift valve and spring from valve body.
26. Remove 1-2 shift valve and spring from valve body.
27. Remove regulator valve end plate.
28. Remove regulator valve line pressure plug, pressure plug sleeve, throttle pressure plug and spring.