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Horn: Testing and Inspection

1. Disconnect wire connector at horn.

Horn And Connector:

2. Using a voltmeter, connect one lead to ground terminal and the other lead to the positive wire terminal.
3. Depress the horn switch, battery voltage should be present.
4. If no voltage, refer to Horn Will Not Sound. If voltage is OK, go to step Step 5.
5. Using ohmmeter, test ground wire for continuity to ground.
6. If no ground repair as necessary.
7. If wires test OK and horn does not sound, replace horn.

Horn System Test:

Horn System Test:

If the horn does not sound, check horn fuse located in the Power Distribution Center. If the fuse is blown, replace with the correct fuse. If the horn fail to sound and the new fuse blows when depressing the horn switch, a short circuit in the horn or the horn wiring between the fuse terminal and the horn is responsible, or a defective horn switch allowed the horn to burn out is responsible.

If the fuse is OK, test horn relay refer to Horn Relay Test. If the relay is OK, test horn.

CAUTION: Continuous sounding of horn may cause horn relay to fail.

Should the horn sound continuously:
- Unplug the horn relay from Power Distribution Center.
- Refer to Horn Relay Test.