Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


NOTE: Chrysler does not provide a procedure to pull ABS Codes without a Scan Tool.

These procedures include all the specifications, instructions, and graphics needed to diagnose 1999 Dodge Truck Kelsey-Hayes EBC 325 Antilock Brake System (ABS) and Rear Wheel Antilock (EBC 2) System problems. The diagnostics in these procedures are based on the failure condition or symptom being present at time of diagnosis.

Please follow the recommendations below when choosing your diagnostic path.

1. First make sure the DRB III is communicating with the CAB. If the DRB III displays a "No Response" condition, you must diagnose that first.
2. Read DTCs (diagnostic trouble codes) with the DRB III.
3 If no DTC's are present, identify the customer complaint.
4. Once the DTC or customer complaint is identified, locate the matching test in Testing and Inspection, Procedures and begin to diagnose the symptom.

All component location views are found under the named component.
All connector pinouts are found under the named component.
All schematics are found under Diagrams.

An * is placed before the symptom description indicated a customer complaint.

When repairs are required, refer to the appropriate system or component for the proper removal and repair procedure.

Diagnostic procedures change every year. New diagnostic systems may be added; carryover systems may be enhanced. READ RELATED INFORMATION BEFORE TRYING TO DIAGNOSE A VEHICLE DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE. It is recommended that you review all related diagnostic procedures to become familiar with all new and changed diagnostic procedures.

The information contained herein reflects the latest information obtainable from Chrysler corp. at the time of publication and contains many suggested changes from users of past information. After using this information, if you have any comments or recommendations, please contact Chrysler corp.