Governor Body, Sensor and Solenoid Assembly
1. Turn valve body assembly over so accumulator side of transfer plate is facing down.Governor Pressure Sensor:
2. Install new O-rings on governor pressure solenoid and sensor.
3. Lubricate solenoid and sensor O-rings with clean transmission fluid.
4. Install governor pressure sensor in governor body. Then secure sensor with M-shaped retaining clip.
Governor Pressure Solenoid:
5. Install governor pressure solenoid in governor body. Push solenoid in until it snaps into place in body.
Governor Body And Gasket:
6. Position governor body gasket on transfer plate.
Pressure Solenoid Retainer:
7. Install retainer plate on governor body and around solenoid. Be sure solenoid connector is positioned in retainer cutout.
8. Align screw holes in governor body and transfer plate. Then install and tighten governor body screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
Governor Pressure Sensor And Solenoid Connectors:
9. Connect harness wires to governor pressure solenoid and governor pressure sensor.
10. Perform Line Pressure and Throttle Pressure adjustments, refer to adjustment section for proper procedures.
11. Install fluid filter and pan.
12. Lower vehicle.
13. Fill transmission with recommended fluid and road test vehicle to verify repair.