Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Disassembly and Assembly - Standard Differential

1. Remove roll-pin holding mate shaft in housing.

Pinion Mate Shaft Removal:

2. Remove pinion gear mate shaft.

Pinion Mate Gear Removal:

3. Rotate the differential side gears and remove the pinion mate gears and thrust washers.
4. Remove the differential side gears and thrust washers.

1. Install the differential side gears and thrust washers.
2. Install the pinion mate gears and thrust washers.
3. Install the pinion gear mate shaft.
4. Align the hole in the pinion gear mate shaft with the hole in the differential case.

Pinion Mate Shaft Rool-Pin Installation:

5. Install and seat the pinion mate shaft roll-pin in the differential case and mate shaft with a punch and hammer. Peen the edge of the roll-pin hole in the differential case slightly in two places, 180° apart.
6. Lubricate all differential components with hypoid gear lubricant.