Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Front Fender: Service and Repair



1. Remove the antenna, if equipped.
2. Remove the battery tray, if required.
3. Remove the cowl grille.
4. Remove the headlamp unit.
5. Remove the wheelhouse splash shield.

Fig. 6:

6. Remove the inside and lower bolts. (Fig. 6)
7. Remove the two bolts below the headlamp.
8. Remove the hinge support bolt at the cowl.
9. Remove the three bolts along the fender rail.


1. Install the three bolts along the upper fender rail and tighten to 9 N.m (80 in.lbs).
2. Install the upper hinge support bolt at the cowl and tighten to 17 N.m (13 ft.lbs).
3. Install the two bolts below the headlamp and tighten to 9 N.m (80 in.lbs).
4. Install the inside and lower bolts and tighten to 17 N.m (13 ft.lbs).
5. Check the fender positioning and adjust as required by adding shims. Refer to Body and Frame / Specifications / Dimensions.
6. Install the wheelhouse splash shield.
7. Install the headlamp unit.
8. Install the cowl grille.
9. Install the battery tray, if required.
10. Install the antenna, if required.