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CAUTION: Do not operate an engine without a thermostat, except for servicing or testing.

The thermostat on all gas powered engines is located beneath the thermostat housing at the front of the intake manifold.
The thermostat is a moveable sleeve type.
Coolant leakage into the pellet container will cause the thermostat to fail in the open position. Thermostats very rarely stick. Do not attempt to free a thermostat with a prying device.
The same thermostat is used for winter and summer seasons. An engine should not be operated without a thermostat, except for servicing or testing. Operating without a thermostat causes longer engine warm-up time, unreliable warm-up performance, increased exhaust emissions and crankcase condensation that can result in sludge formation.

The wax pellet is located in a sealed container at the spring end of the thermostat. When heated, the pellet expands, overcoming closing spring tension and water pump pressure to force the valve to open.