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Standard Procedure - Pressure Bleeding

Use Mopar brake fluid, or an equivalent quality fluid meeting SAE J1703-F and DOT 3 standards only. Use fresh, clean fluid from a sealed container at all times.
If pressure bleeding equipment will be used, the front brake metering valve will have to be held open to bleed the front brakes. The valve stem is located in the forward end or top of the combination valve. The stem must either be pressed inward, or held outward slightly. A spring clip tool or helper is needed to hold the valve stem in position.
Follow the manufacturers instructions carefully when using pressure equipment. Do not exceed the tank manufacturers pressure recommendations. Generally, a tank pressure of 15 - 20 psi is sufficient for bleeding.
Fill the bleeder tank with recommended fluid and purge air from the tank lines before bleeding.
Do not pressure bleed without a proper master cylinder adapter. The wrong adapter can lead to leakage, or drawing air back into the system. Use adapter provided with the equipment or Adapter 6921.