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Camshaft Position Sensor: Service and Repair


Fig.10 5.9L Diesel CMP:

The Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP) on this engine is located below the fuel injection pump. It is bolted to the back of the timing gear cover.

1. Disconnect electrical connector at CMP sensor.
2. Remove sensor mounting bolt.
3. Carefully twist sensor from timing gear cover.
4. Check condition of sensor O-ring.

1. Clean out machined hole in back of timing gear cover.
2. Apply a small amount of engine oil to sensor O-ring.
3. Install sensor into timing gear cover with a slight rocking action. Do not twist sensor into position as damage to O-ring may result.

CAUTION: Before tightening sensor mounting bolt, be sure sensor is completely flush to back of timing chain cover. If sensor is not flush, damage to sensor mounting tang may result.

4. Install mounting bolt and tighten. Refer to Torque Specifications.
5. Connect electrical connector to sensor.