Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



CAUTION: Do not force valves or plugs into place during reassembly. If the valve body bores, valves and plugs are free of distortion or burrs, the valve body components should all slide into place easily. In addition, do not overtighten the transfer plate and valve body screws during reassembly. Overtightening can distort the housings resulting in valve sticking, cross leakage and unsatisfactory operation. Tighten valve body screws to recommended torque only.


1. Lubricate valves, springs, and the housing valve and plug bores with clean transmission fluid (Fig. 307).
2. Install 3-4 timing valve spring and valve in lower housing.
3. Install 3-4 quick fill valve in lower housing.
4. Install 3-4 quick fill valve spring and plug in housing.
5. Install timing valve end plate. Tighten end plate screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.


1. Lubricate accumulator piston, seals and housing piston bore with clean transmission fluid (Fig. 308).
2. Install new seal rings on accumulator piston.
3. Install piston and spring in housing.
4. Install end plate on housing.


1. Install rear clutch and rear servo check balls in transfer plate (Fig. 309).

2. Install filter screen in upper housing separator plate (Fig. 310).

3. Align and position upper housing separator plate on transfer plate (Fig. 311).
4. Install brace plate (Fig. 311). Tighten brace attaching screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
5. Install remaining separator plate attaching screws. Tighten screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.


1. Position upper housing so internal passages and check ball seats are facing upward. Then install check balls in housing (Fig. 312). Seven check balls are used. The single large check ball is approximately 8.7 mm (11/32 inch) diameter. The single small check ball is approximately 4.8 mm (3/16 inch) in diameter. The remaining 5 check balls are approximately 6.3 mm (1/4 inch) in diameter.

2. Position assembled transfer plate and upper housing separator plate on upper housing (Fig. 313). Be sure filter screen is seated in proper housing recess.

3. Install the Number 10 check ball into the transfer plate (Fig. 314). The check ball is approximately 4.8 mm (3/16 inch) in diameter.

4. Position lower housing separator plate on transfer plate (Fig. 315).

5. Install lower housing on assembled transfer plate and upper housing (Fig. 316).
6. Install and start all valve body screws by hand except for the screws to hold the boost valve tube brace. Save those screws for later installation. Then tighten screws evenly to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque. Start at center and work out to sides when tightening screws (Fig. 316).


Refer to (Fig. 317), (Fig. 318) and (Fig. 319) to perform the following steps.
1. Lubricate valves, plugs, springs with clean transmission fluid.
2. Assemble regulator valve line pressure sleeve, throttle plug and spring. Insert assembly in upper housing and install cover plate. Tighten cover plate screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
3. Install 1-2 and 2-3 shift valves and springs.
4. Install 1-2 shift control valve and spring.
5. Install retainer, spring, limit valve, and 2-3 throttle plug from limit valve housing.
6. Install limit valve housing and cover plate. Tighten screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.).
7. Install shuttle valve as follows:
a. Insert plastic guides in shuttle valve secondary spring and install spring on end of valve.
b. Install shuttle valve into housing.
c. Hold shuttle valve in place.
d. Compress secondary spring and install E-clip in groove at end of shuttle valve.
e. Verify that spring and E-clip are properly seated before proceeding.
8. Install shuttle valve cover plate. Tighten cover plate screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
9. Install 1-2 and 2-3 valve governor plugs in valve body.
10. Install shuttle valve primary spring and throttle plug.
11. Align and install governor plug cover. Tighten cover screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.


1. Position valve body assembly so lower housing is facing upward (Fig. 320).
2. Lubricate tube ends and housing ports with transmission fluid or petroleum jelly
3. Start tube in lower housing port first. Then swing tube downward and work opposite end of tube into upper housing port (Fig. 320).
4. Insert and seat each end of tube in housings.

5. Slide tube brace under tube and into alignment with valve body screw holes (Fig. 321).
6. Install and finger tighten three screws that secure tube brace to valve body housings (Fig. 321).

7. Bend tube brace tabs up and against tube to hold it in position (Fig. 322).
8. Tighten all valve body housing screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque after tube and brace are installed. Tighten screws in diagonal pattern starting at center and working outward.


1. Position converter clutch valve and 3-4 shift valve springs in housing (Fig. 323).
2. Loosely attach accumulator housing with rightside screw (Fig. 323). Install only one screw at this time as accumulator must be free to pivot upward for ease of installation.
3. Install 3-4 shift valve and spring.
4. Install converter clutch timing valve and spring.
5. Position plug on end of converter clutch valve spring. Then compress and hold springs and plug in place with fingers of one hand.
6. Swing accumulator housing upward over valve springs and plug.

7. Hold accumulator housing firmly in place and install remaining two attaching screws. Be sure springs and clutch valve plug are properly seated (Fig. 324). Tighten screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.).

1. Install boost valve, valve spring, retainer and cover plate. Tighten cover plate screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
2. Insert manual lever detent spring in upper housing.

3. Position detent ball on end of spring. Then hold detent ball and spring in detent housing with Retainer Tool 6583 (Fig. 325).
4. Install throttle lever in upper housing. Then install manual lever over throttle lever and start manual lever into housing.
5. Align manual lever with detent ball and manual valve. Hold throttle lever upward. Then press down on manual lever until fully seated. Remove detent ball retainer tool after lever is seated.
6. Then install manual lever seal, washer and E-clip.

7. Verify that throttle lever is aligned with end of kickdown valve stem and that manual lever arm is engaged in manual valve (Fig. 326).
8. Position line pressure adjusting screw in adjusting screw bracket.
9. Install spring on end of line pressure regulator valve.
10. Install switch valve spring on tang at end of adjusting screw bracket.
11. Install manual valve.
12. Install throttle valve and spring.
13. Install kickdown valve and detent.
14. Install pressure regulator valve.
15. Install switch valve.
16. Position adjusting screw bracket on valve body Align valve springs and press bracket into place. Install short, upper bracket screws first and long bottom screw last. Verify that valve springs and bracket are properly aligned. Then tighten all three bracket screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
17. Perform Line Pressure and Throttle Pressure adjustments.
18. Lubricate solenoid case connector O-rings and shaft of manual lever with light coat of petroleum jelly.

19. Attach solenoid case connector to 3-4 accumulator with shoulder-type screw. Connector has small locating tang that fits in dimple at top of accumulator housing (Fig. 327). Seat tang in dimple before tightening connector screw.
20. Install solenoid assembly and gasket. Tighten solenoid attaching screws to 8 Nm (72 inch lbs.) torque.

21. Verify that solenoid wire harness is properly routed (Fig. 328). Solenoid harness must be clear of manual lever and park rod and not be pinched between accumulator housing and cover.

1. Turn valve body assembly over so accumulator side of transfer plate is facing down.
2. Install new O-rings on governor pressure solenoid and sensor.
3. Lubricate solenoid and sensor O-rings with clean transmission fluid.
4. Install governor pressure sensor in governor body.
5. Install governor pressure solenoid in governor body. Push solenoid in until it snaps into place in body.
6. Position governor body gasket on transfer plate.
7. Install retainer plate on governor body and around solenoid. Be sure solenoid connector is positioned in retainer cutout.
8. Align screw holes in governor body and transfer plate. Then install and tighten governor body screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
9. Connect harness wires to governor pressure solenoid and governor pressure sensor.
10. Install fluid filter and pan.
11. Lower vehicle.
12. Fill transmission with recommended fluid and road test vehicle to verify repair.


1. Check condition of O-ring seals on valve body harness connector (Fig. 329). Replace seals on connector body if cut or worn.

2. Check condition of manual lever shaft seal in transmission case. Replace seal if lip is cut or worn. Install new seal with 15/16 deep well socket (Fig. 330).
3. Check condition of seals on accumulator piston. Install new piston seals, if necessary.
4. Verify that transmission range sensor is NOT installed. Valve body cannot be installed with sensor in place.
5. Place valve body manual lever in low (1 position) so ball on park lock rod will be easier to install in sprag.
6. Lubricate shaft of manual lever with petroleum jelly. This will ease inserting shaft through seal in case.
7. Lubricate seal rings on valve body harness connector with petroleum jelly
8. Position valve body in case and work end of park lock rod into and through pawl sprag. Turn propeller shaft to align sprag and park lock teeth if necessary. The rod will click as it enters pawl. Move rod to check engagement.

CAUTION: It is possible for the park rod to displace into a cavity just above the pawl sprag during installation. Make sure the rod is actually engaged in the pawl and has not displaced into this cavity.

9. Install accumulator spring and piston into case. Then swing valve body over piston and outer spring to hold it in place.
10. Align accumulator piston and outer spring, manual lever shaft and electrical connector in case.
11. Then seat valve body in case and install one or two bolts to hold valve body in place.
12. Tighten valve body bolts alternately and evenly to 11 Nm (100 inch lbs.) torque.
13. Install new fluid filter on valve body Tighten filter screws to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.) torque.
14. Install throttle and gearshift levers on valve body manual lever shaft.
15. Check and adjust front and rear bands if necessary.
16. Connect solenoid case connector wires.
17. Install the transmission range sensor.
18. Install oil pan and new gasket. Tighten pan bolts to 17 Nm (13 ft. lbs.) torque.
19. Lower vehicle and fill transmission with Mopar ATF +4, Automatic Transmission fluid.
20. Check and adjust gearshift and throttle valve cables, if necessary.