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Door Position Switch: Description and Operation

Vehicles that are equipped with the optional Vehicle Theft Security System (VTSS) have a door cylinder lock switch (1) secured to the back of the key lock cylinder inside the driver side front door. The door cylinder lock switch is a resistor multiplexed momentary switch that is hard wired in series between ground and the cylinder lock switch mux circuit input to the ElectroMechanical Instrument Cluster (EMIC) through a pigtail wire (2) connected to the left front door wire harness. The door cylinder lock switch is driven by the key lock cylinder and contains two internal resistors. One resistor value is used for the Lock position, and one for the Unlock position.

The door cylinder lock switch cannot be adjusted or repaired and, if faulty or damaged, it must be replaced.

The door cylinder lock switch is actuated by the key lock cylinder when the key is inserted in the lock cylinder and turned to the lock or unlock positions. The door cylinder lock switch closes a circuit between ground and the cylinder lock switch mux circuit through one of two internal resistors for the ElectroMechanical Instrument Cluster (EMIC) when the driver side front door key lock cylinder is in the Lock, or Unlock positions. The EMIC reads the switch status through an internal pull-up, then uses this information as an input for the Vehicle Theft Security System (VTSS) operation, as well as for control of a central locking feature for the power lock system.

The door cylinder lock switch and circuit may be diagnosed using conventional diagnostic tools and methods. However, conventional diagnostic methods may not prove conclusive in the diagnosis of the EMIC or its responses to the cylinder lock switch inputs. The most reliable, efficient, and accurate means to diagnose the door cylinder lock switch, the EMIC, and both the hard wired and electronic message inputs and outputs affected by the door cylinder lock switch inputs requires the use of a diagnostic scan tool.