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Piston Ring: Service and Repair



1. Determine the piston diameter and obtain the appropriate ring set. The piston rings can be identified as shown.

2. Position each ring in the cylinder and use a piston (1) to square it with the bore at a depth (3) of 89.0 mm (3.5 inch).

3. Use a feeler gauge to measure the piston ring gap
4. The top surface of all of the rings are identified with the word TOP or the supplier's MARK. Assemble the rings with the word TOP or the supplier's MARK up.

5. Position the oil ring expander (2) in the oil control ring (1) groove (bottom groove).
6. Install the oil control ring (1) with the end gap OPPOSITE the ends on the expander.

7. Install the intermediate piston ring in the second groove.
8. Install the top piston ring in the top groove.

9. Position the rings as shown.