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Check Valve: Service and Repair


1. Remove both wiper arms from the wiper pivots.
2. Unlatch and open the hood.
3. Remove the cowl plenum cover/grille panel from over the cowl plenum.
4. From the underside of the cowl plenum cover/grille panel (5), disconnect the cowl plenum (4) and washer nozzle (1 and 6) hoses from the three barbed nipples of the check valve (2).
5. Remove the check valve from the underside of the cowl plenum cover/grille panel.


1. Position the check valve (2) to the underside of the cowl plenum cover/grille panel (5). Be certain that the flow direction arrow molded into the check valve body is oriented towards the washer nozzles.
2. From the underside of the cowl plenum cover/grille panel, reconnect the cowl plenum (4) and washer nozzle (1 and 6) hoses to the three barbed nipples of the check valve.
3. Reinstall the cowl plenum cover/grille panel over the cowl plenum.
4. Close and latch the hood.
5. Reinstall both wiper arms onto the wiper pivots.