Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Service Procedure

1. Disconnect the negative battery connection on the left shock tower.

2. Inspect the engine wiring harness and, if equipped, the 120 volt engine block heater cord at the left transaxle mount for chafed wires (Figure 1):

> If wire chafing is not found, continue with Step 6 of this procedure.

> If wire chafing is found, continue with Step 3 of this procedure.

3. Remove the wiring harness protective tape from around the damaged area.

4. Repair wire(s) as required.

5. Install electrical tape around repaired area of wiring harness.

6. Disconnect the 14-way connector using the following procedure:

a. Slide the red lock tab located on the top of the connector rearward (Figure 2).

b. Push down on the black connector release tab.

c. While pushing down on the black connector release tab pull the connector apart.

7. Wrap the harness side of the 14-way connector under and around the main wiring harness and reconnect the 14-way connector (Figure 3). Route the 120 volt engine block heater cord in the same manner, away from the left transaxle mount.

Ensure that all wiring is routed away from all sharp edges.

8. Slide the red locking tab forward to lock the 14-way connector.

9. Connect the negative battery connection on the left shock tower.

10. Reposition the main wiring harness and, if equipped, the engine block heater cord. Secure them using a tie strap as shown in Figure 4.

11. Verify that the main wiring harness and, if equipped, the engine block heater cord do not touch the left transaxle mount or any other sharp edges.