Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Quick Learn Procedure


The quick learn procedure requires the use of the scan tool. This program allows the electronic transaxle system to recalibrate itself. This will provide the best possible transaxle operation.

NOTE: The quick learn procedure should be performed if any of the following procedures are performed:

- Transaxle Assembly Replacement
- Powertrain Control Module Replacement
- Solenoid/Pressure Switch Assembly Replacement
- Clutch Plate and/or Seal Replacement
- Valve Body Replacement or Recondition

To perform the Quick Learn Procedure, the following conditions must be met:

- The brakes must be applied
- The engine speed must be above 500 rpm
- The throttle angle (TPS) must be less than 3 degrees
- The shift lever position must stay until prompted to shift to overdrive
- The shift lever position must stay in overdrive after the Shift to Overdrive prompt until the scan tool indicates the procedure is complete
- The calculated oil temperature must be above 15.5° C (60° F) and below 93° C (200° F)

1. Plug the scan tool into the diagnostic connector. The connector is located under the instrument panel.
2. Go to the Transmission screen.
3. Go to the Miscellaneous screen.
4. Select Quick Learn Procedure. Follow the instructions of the scan tool to perform the Quick Learn Procedure.