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Front Door Latch - Installation


NOTE: The latch has three attachment points to the latch bracket and need to be attached in the following order:

1. Install the first latch attachment point to the latch bracket.

2. It is necessary to align the third attachment point prior to attaching the second point, but do not attach at this time.

3. Install the second latch attachment point to the latch bracket.

4. Install the third latch attachment point to the latch bracket.

5. Install the release rod (1) then engage the two swing clips (2).

6. Install the slide fork to the latch bracket.

7. Install the latch bracket assembly to the carrier plate slots (1) then slide the latch bracket until fully seated.

8. Connect the latch electrical connector.

9. Install the carrier plate Front Door Carrier Plate - Installation.

10. Adjust the latch as needed Adjustments.