BW 44-46 Transfer Case - Assembly
Special Tools:
NOTE: When pressing bearings into case, be sure to properly support the underside of the case half.
1. Using (9598) (1) and an Arbor Press, install the front output shaft bearing (2) into the front case half (5).
2. Using (9754) (3) and an Arbor Press, install the input shaft bearing (4) into the front case half (5).
NOTE: When pressing bearings into case, be sure to properly support the underside of the case half.
3. Using (9598) (1) and an Arbor Press, install the rear output shaft bearing (2) into the front case half (3).
NOTE: When pressing bearings into case, be sure to properly support the underside of the case half.
4. Using (9598) (1) and an Arbor Press, install the front output shaft rear support bearing (2) into the front case half (3).
5. Using (9754) (2) and (C-4171) (1), install input shaft seal (3).
6. Using (10174) (1), install front output shaft seal (2).
7. If transfer case is equipped with a flange, and using (9672) (2) with (C-4171) (1), install rear output seal (3).
8. If transfer case is equipped with a slip yoke, and using (9037) (2) with (C-4171) (1), install the rear output seal (3).
9. Install the front output shaft (1) into the front housing (2).
10. Install the front output shaft retaining ring (1) on the front output shaft (2).
11. Install the annulus gear (1).
12. Install the annulus gear retainer (1).
NOTE: Bearing tabs face upward.
13. Install the carrier assembly (2) and thrust bearing (1).
14. Install the range shift fork (2), reduction hub and shift rail (1).
15. Install main shaft (1).
16. Install the shift assembly (1). Be sure the pin is seated in the case.
17. Install the magnet (1).
18. Install the oil pump assembly (1).
NOTE: There are three alignment tabs and an oil pump hose pass through incorporated into the support that prevent the structure from rotating once installed.
19. Install the center bearing support assembly (2) onto the main shaft (1).
NOTE: Chain and gears are patterned and must be installed correctly. Blue links on the chain must be installed facing upward.
20. Install the chain (2), the front out put gear (1) and main shaft gear (3).
21. Install the mode shift fork (1) onto the main shaft (2)
22. Install the locking collar (1).
23. Install the retaining ring (1).
24. Clean mating surface of both case halves.
25. Apply a thin bead of transfer case sealant.
26. Install rear cover.
27. Install all of the case half bolts (1) and tighten in a star pattern to 31 Nm (23 ft. lbs.).
28. Install the rear output flange, if equipped.
29. Install the flange dust seal (1), if equipped.
30. Install the flange spacer (1), if equipped.
31. Install the rear output flange nut (1) and tighten to 241 Nm (178 ft. lbs.), if equipped
32. Stake the nut to the shaft to prevent the nut from backing off, if equipped.
33. Install the fill (4) and drain (1) plugs.
34. Install the shift motor (3), the four mounting bolts (2) and tighten to 9 Nm (84 in. lbs.).
35. Install transfer case into vehicle. .