Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal & Installation


1.6 Liter Engine

1. Disconnect primary wiring connector at distributor, then remove splash shield from distributor.
2. Loosen distributor cap retaining screws, then the distributor cap.
3. Rotate crankshaft until rotor is pointing in direction of engine block, then scribe a line on block to indicate rotor position during installation.
4. Remove distributor hold-down bolt, then carefully lift distributor from engine.


1.6 Liter Engine

1. With gasket or O-ring installed on base of distributor, position distributor in engine.
2. Engage distributor drive with camshaft offset drive tang so distributor rotor will align with scribe mark made during removal.
3. If engine was cranked while distributor was removed, proceed as follows:
a. Rotate crankshaft until No. 1 piston is at top dead center of compression stroke. The mark on crankshaft pulley should be aligned with "0" mark on timing cover.
b. Rotate distributor rotor to a position ahead of No. 1 distributor cap terminal.
c. Install distributor into engine, engaging distributor drive with camshaft offset drive tang. The rotor should be properly positioned under distributor cap No. 1 terminal.
4. Install distributor cap.
5. Install distributor hold-down screw finger tight.
6. Install splash shield, then connect primary wiring connector at distributor.
7. Adjust ignition timing.