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Aspirator System


1. Disconnect air hose from aspirator valve inlet.
2. Remove aspirator valve from aspirator tube assembly.
3. Reverse procedure to install. Torque valve to 25 ft lbs.


1. Disconnect air hose from aspirator valve inlet.
2. Remove bolts securing aspirator tube assembly to exhaust manifold and engine.
3. Remove aspirator tube assembly from engine.
4. Remove any remaining gasket material from exhaust manifold and aspirator tube flange.
5. Reverse procedure to install. On 4 cylinder engines, torque aspirator tube nut to 40 ft lbs, and aspirator tube bracket bolt to 95 ft lbs. On 6 cylinder and V8 engines, torque flange mounting bolt to 200 inch lbs. On 6 cylinder engines, torque aspirator tube assembly bolts to 40 ft.lbs. On V8 engines, torque tube assembly bolts to 115 inch lbs.