Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Blend Air Door - Warm Air From Floor Vents

85chrysler15 Models

All 1985 & 1986 Front Wheel Drive Domestic Passenger Except Omni & Horizon


Blend Air Door Sealing




December 2, 1985




Inadequate sealing of the blend air door on subject model vehicles built prior to October 1, 1985, may result in customer complaints of poor A/C performance, and/or warm air coming out of the floor outlets in the bi-level mode when the temperature lever is in the full "Full Cool" position.


1. Position A/C controls as indicated below:

a. Panel mode.
b. Blower on medium speed (M2).
c. A/C switch is on.
d. Temperature lever in recirc.
e. Close off all panel outlets except left center.

2. Idle engine with hood closed for ten minutes and record temperature coming out of left center outlet.

3. Move temperature lever to "Full Cool" position and record temperature at left center outlet after five minutes at new setting.

4. If difference between temperatures recorded above is more than 8~ F it is possible that the blend air door may not be sealing.


This procedure outlines adjustment of the blend air door cable.

1. While holding temperature lever, slip auto-adjust clip approximately 1/4" (.25") toward end of cable core wire. (Leave auto-adjust clip on door crank arm pin when making this adjustment.)
2. Repeat diagnostic procedure to verify improved system performance.

3. If the recorded temperature is cooler, but the differential temperature is still greater than 8~ F, repeat the procedure.

POLICY: Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty

Labor Operation No. 24-50-25-90 0.3 Hrs.

FAILURE CODE: 6R - Auto-Adj. Clip Defective/Missing